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Informed Consent for Exosome Therapy

The exosomes that are utilized at Helix Concierge are generated by a MSC-derived secretome. This exosome can potentially promote healing and regeneration of tissue. The exosomes are produced through a patent pending technology that enables control of the protein type released by the stem cells and provided to clinics such as Helix Concierge for therapeutic use.
The procedure of injecting exosomes is straight forward:

  1. The cells must be frozen to -180 degrees Fahrenheit to maintain potency. These will be thawed immediately before the procedure to maintain that potency.

  2.  The area of treatment will be thoroughly cleansed.

  3. The exosomes will be injected into the area of treatment.

  4. It is that simple!

Alternative treatment options include:
Physical therapy, surgery, cortisone injections, supplements, pharmacological (ibuprofen, acetaminophen, narcotics, etc.), acupuncture, exercise, hair transplants and chiropractic adjustments.
Risks of treatment:
Bleeding: Even though this is very rare, a hematoma may form at the injection site that might require surgical evacuation/drainage.
Infection: Infection is rare but possible anytime a needle is inserted into the body. Skin, bones, joints, ligaments, and various tissues could become infected. Infection could possibly move into the blood stream, brain, or spinal cord and require hospitalization. This would be a very rare occurrence.
Allergic Reactions: In rare cases individuals might experience a local allergic reaction to the local anesthetic or topical preparations. Systemic reactions such as hives and anaphylaxis (trouble breathing, throat swelling) would be extremely rare and warrant emergency care.
Increased pain: Anytime a needle is inserted into the body, the possibility of this resulting in chronic pain from a nerve, tendon, ligament etc. injury. This would be a very rare occurrence.
Nerve damage: Even though a nerve injury is very rare, it is possible when a needle is inserted into the body. This could result in temporary and permanent numbness and or/weakness.
Scarring: Any type of invasive procedure can cause scarring, including but not limited to injections and incisions. Most of these small wounds heal without issue but scarring is always a possibility.
Unsatisfactory results: Even though rare, some individuals do not see improvements in their pain and disability after rejuvenation type injections. Additionally, side effects, though rare, could cause loss of function, wound disruption, nerve injury, tissue death and infection.

Common side effects: Some people can experience side effects including bruising, pain and stiffness at the injection site, skin infections, and allergic reactions. These are typically transient and brief in nature.
There are no guarantees that these procedures and/or treatments will work for you in the capacity you epxect. In very rare cases it could make your issues worse, even if proper techniques were utilized. Everyone who receives exosome injections have varying degrees of pain relief over different durations. Some individuals feel the effects within weeks while others it can take 6 months. Helix Concierge cannot guarantee or assure of any results that may be obtained from the above procedures and/or treatments.
Your progress will be carefully tracked and reevaluated during your follow up visits. If it is determined that further treatment is necessary, than a mutual decision will be made between you and the treating provider. In these cases, discounts can be offered to ensure your complete satisfaction with treatment.
I have read or had read to me the above information. I understand the risks of exosome injections including common and rare complications. I acknowledge I have had the above explained to me and that any questions I had were answered to my satisfaction. I hereby consent to the injection of exosomes that Helix Concierge will administer to me.

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